The Forgotten Island

In a time filled with legends and unknown places, a young boy named Marco yearned to discover worlds that had yet to be touched by humanity. One day, while flipping through an old map in his grandfather’s library, he found an island marked as “Forgotten Island.” His heart raced with excitement; the map was filled … Read more

The Lost Island

In a coastal town, a boy named Tomás had a great dream: to become an explorer. Since he was little, he had been fascinated by maps, the stories of sailors, and the legends of lost islands. One afternoon, while sailing on his small raft, something shiny caught his attention among the waves. As he approached, … Read more

The Enchanted Island

Enchanted island

In the midst of the vast ocean, surrounded by blue waters and salty breezes, there existed a mysterious island known as the Enchanted Island. Sailors spoke of it in whispers, telling tales of lost treasures and magical creatures that inhabited its shores One day, a young explorer named Maya received an ancient map from her … Read more