The Last Portal

Recommended to see the images of the story In the year 2198, humanity has mastered interstellar travel and explored numerous habitable worlds, expanding its knowledge beyond imagination. During a routine mission on the edge of the galaxy, a group of explorers discovers a mysterious giant portal. Surrounded by unknown energy and an impenetrable force field, … Read more

Dimension 223

In the year 2100, humanity had achieved astonishing advances in technology, allowing the creation of devices that could open portals to other dimensions. Ryder, a curious young man and science lover, had always dreamed of exploring these new worlds. When his best friend, Lina, showed him an ancient interdimensional navigation device she had found in … Read more

Short bedtime stories with audio

Recommended to see the images of the story Diego and the Artifact Diego, a curious and technology-loving young man, discovered a strange artifact in the forgotten basement of his school.At first, it appeared to e an outdated holographic device, but when he activated it, a blue glow enveloped the room, and a portal unfolded. It … Read more

The Forgotten Tales

Girl reading a magical book

Sofia was a curious and dreamy girl who had always felt a special connection with books and stories. One day, while exploring her grandmother’s attic, she discovered an old book covered in dust and mystery. Upon opening it, she found herself transported to a magical land where forgotten tales came to life The land of … Read more